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The Building Hope Foundation

The Nevada Building Hope Foundation, (NBHF) is a USA based nonprofit 501 (c) 3 Organization with the IRS. Our primary mission is to improve the lives of the people living in Ayacucho, San Juan de Yanayacu and Junin Villages. These river communities are located on tributaries of the Amazon in the Peruvian Rainforest. We provide arts and educational programs, medical missions, women’s programs, and humanitarian aid to this remote and isolated part of the world.

In 2016, working in collaboration with Ministerio de Education in Peru, the school’s principals and teachers of Ayacucho Tipishica-Rio Amazonas, Nevada Building Hope Foundation created a children’s education program. This program provides everything a child needs for a full year of education, including: (slacks and shirts for the boys) and (blouses and skirts for the girls) clothes for physical education, undergarments, shoes, (school shoes, croc type shoes, tennis shoes, and rubber boots, shorts) backpacks with supplies. We also provide the teachers in all three communities the supplies they will need for a full school year. 

In October 2018, the Minister of Education granted permission to NBHF to seek the funds for the construction of a high school in the Ayacucho Zone. The construction of the High School in Ayacucho Village was funded by monies raised by Ahhyun (Bailey) Ahn and Maksym Taran. In 2019, they raised the necessary funds to pay for the construction of Phase I of the High School which was built in October 2019. The school is scheduled to open in 2020. In March 2020, Bailey and Maksym raised the funds to complete the project. The building of Phase II. will begin in Summer 2020. The completed High School (Phase I and II) will have five classrooms with two boys and two girls’ bathrooms.


To assist, develop, and support art and art education programs in Iquitos City. Our foundation for the past six years has provided in Iquitos City, training workshops for teachers of classical ballet as well as provided workshops in classical ballet and ballet variations for Peruvian ballet students. Our workshops are done in collaboration with Loreto Dance (Silvia Zumaeta del Aquila, director) and Escuela Art Dance-Peru (Sorella Melina Salazar Braga, director).  In 2015, we began a collaboration with Universidad Cientifica del Peru (UCP) working with cultural dance director, Anthony Nunez del Prado Ruiz and ballet director, Silvia Zumaeta del Aquila in creating the first Nutcracker Ballet in this remote jungle city.


Other projects sponsored by NBHF include the Ayacucho Women's Project, projects in arts, education, dance and sports, medical missions, and student internship opportunities.

Loreto Dance Summer 2016 Abby Tate.jpg


Dance workshops, ballet teacher training programs and choreography



Universidad Nacional de la Amazona Peruana

Barbara Land and Choreography at UCP.jpg


Universidad Cientifica del Peru

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